Legal notice /This section includes information on the conditions of access and use of this website that must be known by the user, for the purposes provided for in Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.
- Holder:
- e-mail:
- Phone: (+34) 629 429 089
Conditions of access to the website
The use of this website attributes the condition of User to whoever does so and implies the acceptance of all the conditions included in this Legal Notice. The User must read these conditions each time he or she accesses this website, since they may be modified in the future. Some aspects of this website, due to their speciality, may be subject to specific conditions or rules that may replace, complete or modify this Legal Notice, so they must also be accepted by the User who uses or accesses them.
Obligation to make correct use of the website and its contents
All the contents of this website (texts, photographs, graphics, images, technology, software, links, audiovisual or sound content, graphic design, source code, etc), as well as the trademarks and other distinctive signs are the property of Aleka Events or third parties, and the User does not acquire any rights over them by the mere use of this website.
The User must refrain from: a) reproducing, copying, distributing, making available to third parties, publicly communicating, transforming or modifying the contents of this website, except in cases contemplated by law or expressly authorised by the owner or holder of said rights; b) reproducing or copying for private use the software, images, videos or databases existing on this website, as well as publicly communicating them or making them available to third parties when this entails their reproduction; c) extracting or reusing the contents of this website.
The User who wishes to introduce links to this website from his or her own web pages must comply with the following conditions:
- The link will only link to the home page and may not reproduce it in any way.
- Frames of any kind may not be established that surround the web or allow it to be viewed through different internet addresses or in conjunction with content other than this web, in such a way that it produces, or may produce, error or confusion in Users about the origin of the service or its content, implies an act of unfair comparison or imitation, serves to take advantage of the reputation, brand and prestige of Aleka Events or is done in any other way that is prohibited by law.
- No false or inaccurate statements may be made from the page that contains the link about the entity or the quality of its products and services.
- The sender may not use the trademark or any other distinctive sign of the entity within its website, except in cases authorised by law or expressly permitted by the owner of the website.
- The page that establishes the link must comply with current legislation and may not contain or link to illegal, harmful content, contrary to morality and good customs, which produces or may produce the false idea that the owner of the website supports or endorses the ideas, statements or actions of the sender or which are inappropriate in relation to the activity carried out by the Entity, taking into account the content and general theme of the web page where the link is established.
Responsibility of the user
The owner of the website is not responsible for ensuring that this website is free of malicious programs or any other harmful computer elements. In any case, it is the responsibility of the User to have the appropriate tools to detect and disinfect these elements. Accordingly, the owner of the website is not responsible for damage caused to computer equipment during access to this website. Likewise, the owner will not be responsible for damage caused to Users when such damage is caused by failures or disconnections in telecommunications networks that interrupt the service of this website.
All the contents of the website, including, but not limited to, all texts, documents, photographs, drawings, images, icons, graphic representations, audiovisual or sound content, as well as its graphic design and source code, trademarks, trade names or other distinctive signs, are the exclusive property of Aleka Events or third parties (the latter being the legitimate licensee) and are protected by Industrial and Intellectual Property Laws.
Access by users to the contents of the website does not grant them any rights or ownership over them.
Any form of exploitation, reproduction, distribution, modification, public communication, transfer or transformation or any other form of dissemination of the information or elements contained in the website mentioned in this section, using any medium and means, not previously and expressly authorised, is strictly prohibited. The content of this website may only be downloaded to the user’s terminal provided that it is for private use and without any commercial purpose.
The infringement of any of the aforementioned rights may constitute a violation of these conditions and/or of the Industrial and Intellectual Property laws. The owner of the website reserves the right to exercise the corresponding legal actions against users who violate or infringe the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of this website, its information or its contents.
Responsibilities of the entity
This website may include links that allow the User to access other internet pages. In these cases, Aleka Events will only be responsible for the content and services provided through the links as soon as it is aware of their illegality and has not diligently deactivated them. If a User considers that there is a link with illegal or inappropriate content, they may inform us, without this implying that they are obliged to remove the corresponding link. The owner of the website does not always know the content and services of the links and therefore is not responsible for damages arising from their lack of quality, outdatedness, unavailability, error, uselessness or illegality and is not responsible for the statements made or the content or services provided through them, unless it is directly responsible for the provision of said services.
The User undertakes to make correct use of this website in accordance with the Law, with this Legal Notice and with the other conditions, regulations and instructions that, where applicable, may be applicable. The User shall be liable to the owner of the website and to third parties for any damages or losses that may be caused by failure to comply with these obligations.
Applicable legislation
This Legal Notice is governed in each and every respect by Spanish Law.
The services provided by this website and these conditions of use are governed by Spanish Law.